
Posts by Sabrina Ahmed

Burnout Coach, Neuroscientist & Art-based Practitioner helping you unlock the power of your mind, body and brain to transform your life. I cover burnout recovery, personal growth, lifestyle, relationships and work.

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Announcement: the power of subtraction

Life has been a hectic bag of hungry kittens, as it might be for you too. Since getting my art-based coaching diploma last week, it's like a huge boulder has shifted and business ideas are flowing. They're still scattered but options are firming up that I've had on my mind for a while. As someone who has habitual burnout tendencies, I'm my own worst enemy. I get super enthusiastic in creative, problem-solving mode. I want to do all the things. Right now. x10. Does that resonate? Watercolour...
A beach with a lot of umbrellas on it

Unburnt Monthly Digest - July 2024

Unburnt Monthly Digest July 2024 An experiment with a new monthly Digest format here, offering one place to share: Content I've created or captured for you. An art-based exercise for self-discovery. News about my offers, workshops or collaborations. I write about burnout recovery and personal growth from various angles - mindset, body, behaviour, creativity, relationships, environment etc - because we're complex humans. One size doesn't fit all. It's part of my coaching approach, using years...

Know when to grit and when to quit

Strategic abandonment caught my attention recently. Makes you curious, right? A mate I'm chatting to about a podcast we're planning raised this topic too. They're in recruitment and we'll explore looking for roles after burnout, job crafting, and knowing when to quit. Whilst researching, I found the 'strategic abandonment' term, but it isn't a new concept. Peter Drucker, consultant, author and educator, wrote "Managing for Results" in 1964, which describes an early idea about strategic...

It's not just workload that'll crush you

There are heaps of burnout myths but this one does my head in: 'they can't be burnt out, they're not that busy'. An ex-boss said this when we talked about a colleague who was clearly suffering with burnout. I silently fumed. How can he be so narrow-minded!? It turns out, most people still think this is the only reason people burnout. They're too busy and can't handle it. Nonsense! Photo by Vitaly Gariev on Unsplash Let's dispel this myth to rebalance the force. It's an aspect, but not the...

Become a recovering perfectionist

I've been collating the final evidence submission for my art-based diploma this week - about 5 weeks after I wanted to submit it. I planned to get it done over the final May bank holiday - taking extra days off my day job to complete it. Didn't quite work out like that. I got really sick and am still suffering the after-effects 6 weeks later. What's that famous proverb? Men make plans. God laughs. As a lifelong perfectionist, my personal standards have gotten me into trouble many times. My...

How do I know I'm burnt out?

I notice a repeated question on social media - how do I know I'm burnt out? This is fundamental question. I realised I had a blind spot here. I've experienced and worked with so many people with burnout, I take for granted what it looks like. If you're unsure or you have a buddy you're concerned about, this email should help. Use it as a guide or crib sheet. Here's a reminder of what burnout is from clinical psychologist Dr Debbie Sorensen, who expands the term in a more practical way:...

Stop hating your body

I've always had a difficult relationship with my body. Traumatic early life experiences laid unhealthy foundations. I stopped seeing it for what it achieved, and as something to fight against instead. I still find it hard to make my peace with how I look, size, shape, tone, wobbles, etc etc blah blah blah. Yet after feeling rubbish lately, I'm reminded how precious it is. It's not perfect but it's all I've got - chronic conditions and all! When we're burnt out though, we put our body to one...


My internet has been patchy lately. During Teams calls last week the signal kept dropping, I was robotic, had to switch off video, and files weren't uploading. The internet is meant to work, right? So annoying! I was surprised at my irritation level and remembered how much of my daily activities rely on the internet. I've also had poor health issues over the past few weeks. It's been exhausting, my stomach is in constant pain, and I couldn't get a blood test due to a cyber attack on the...

How burnout-related stubbornness blocks good ideas

I chatted with a buddy last week about their burnt out team leader. My buddy had some good ideas to improve the team's workload, but the team leader kept shooting them down. It reminded me of when I've been burnt out and whether I'd done the same. Reflecting on those burnouts, I realised I'd rejected ideas and innovations too soon because they seemed like too much work. I was frazzled and teetering on the edge of staying afloat. A new idea and related effort could bring the whole house of...