Unburnt Monthly Digest - July 2024

Unburnt Monthly Digest

July 2024

An experiment with a new monthly Digest format here, offering one place to share:

  • Content I've created or captured for you.
  • An art-based exercise for self-discovery.
  • News about my offers, workshops or collaborations.

I write about burnout recovery and personal growth from various angles - mindset, body, behaviour, creativity, relationships, environment etc - because we're complex humans.

One size doesn't fit all.

It's part of my coaching approach, using years of burnout recovery knowledge and experience in an adaptable way to meet your needs:

  • Maybe you're overworking and can't stop.
  • Perhaps your perfectionism keeps you stuck in analysis-paralysis.
  • Is your sleep quality so bad you're exhausted all the time?
  • Are you finally fed up with your people-pleasing habits?

These are all common coping strategies that influence your burnout risk or recovery time.

You're not alone. There are approaches available to reclaim time and energy so you focus on what matters.

To that end, dive into the info below, and explore practical solutions and personal stories to apply to your own life.

Recent articles

An unspoken grief

What to do when the 'wrong' parent dies and you have to move forward.

5 behavioural change tools

Don't get in your way but use practical tools to take action instead.

Pushover to respected

People-pleasing kills your self-esteem and wears you out. Time to stop that.

Art-based exercise

Try this guided narrative to explore a relationship issue.

10-15 minute exercise [from Liesl Silverstone, Art Therapy Exercises]

  • Find a quite place where you won't be disturbed
  • Have your art-making materials available in front of you - choose what you are comfortable enough using e.g. coloured pencils, paper, pens, crayons, magazines, pastels etc
  • Sit in a relaxed state and close your eyes, if that's comfortable for you, and focus on your breath for 2-3 minutes
  • And now, imagine you're in a meadow, looking around you (pause)
  • You look up, very high up, and you see a hot air balloon (pause)
  • It is slowly descending...it lands on the meadow (pause)
  • A figure emerges...and walks towards you...(longer pause)
  • Who is it...?
  • Reflect on what you see, feel, hear, touch, taste
  • Open your eyes and spend 5-7 minutes creating the image
  • Reflect on the image you've created - notice paper size, texture, line thickness, colour, size of objects/shapes/lines, open space, what's missing etc.
  • Consider where you are in the image
  • On a separate piece of paper, note down any insights or questions that arise exploring the image you've created
  • Decide your first next step and when you'll do it

In other news, I've finally completed my Diploma in Art-based Coaching and am an Accredited Art in Coaching Coach!

To say this has been a hard but rewarding road is an understatement!

I'm super chuffed to have achieved this on top of building the coaching business, and a full-time day job!

I've been no stranger to busyness, managing my energy and productivity levels, and getting stuck for hours going down research rabbit holes.

There are exciting insights to share with you in the coming weeks following my training.

Plus, I've got some cool projects going on in the background - I'll keep you posted on those.

Got any topics you're curious about?

Let me know, and I'll dig into them for our next weekly and monthly editions.

Take care,


Burnout Coach | Neuroscientist | Art-based Practitioner

P.S. Book a free 25m call with me to explore how I'll help you achieve your burnout recovery goals.

I share these insights, strategies, and experiments weekly...or more often if I have something fun or useful to share with you.

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Brookfield Court, Selby Road, Garforth, Leeds LS25 1NB