Become a recovering perfectionist

I've been collating the final evidence submission for my art-based diploma this week - about 5 weeks after I wanted to submit it.

I planned to get it done over the final May bank holiday - taking extra days off my day job to complete it.

Didn't quite work out like that.

I got really sick and am still suffering the after-effects 6 weeks later.

What's that famous proverb?

Men make plans.
God laughs.

As a lifelong perfectionist, my personal standards have gotten me into trouble many times.

My 80% is someone else's 110%. I'm constantly remembering to pace myself because I take too many things on.

I'm greedy, and want to do ALL the things.

Over the years though, perfectionism isn't worth the time, pain and effort.

It's a burnout pattern I adopt to feel in control, but really I grind myself into the ground because I'm unhappy and trapped.

Weirdly, it traps us into a tighter corner that's harder to escape from.

I'm the last person in my study group to submit my assignments and coursework and wow is it uncomfortable.

But my body is fighting something bigger, so pushing too much isn't smart, and borderline reckless.

I asked for extra time and got it.

I'll get the work done, completing a bit each day.

That year of hard work will be submitted to my supervisor to review, and it'll be sweet relief once I get to that point.

I can't wait!

Let go of perfectionism's hold

I'm constantly shaping and developing my coaching business as I look at what clients and potential clients need.

Being a solopreneur and establishing a business on top of a day job isn't easy. You flip mindsets and priorities frequently.

Yet giving myself personal and professional goals that align to my core values helps let go of perfectionism's grip.

If this business is something I want to build for the rest of my life, it needs to be sustainable.

I don't want to replicate my corporate work habits into my business, even when that's all I know.

I've got the opportunity here to do things differently here.

Letting go of perfectionism is a key part of that shift.

Moving forward with self-compassion is a strategy.

To that end, the latest Build a Better Brain article covers my deeper dive into perfectionism - including the pros and cons.

I also share 3 techniques to play with so you escape the perfectionist trap.

Read the full article here.

Yep, I don't agree that perfectionism is ALL bad.

It's about deciding when those perfectionist strivings are worth your time and effort.

So stop tarting up that client PowerPoint or your lead magnet, Reader, and finish something that's good enough for those that need it.

Share your reflections in the comments - I look forward to hearing your insights!

Take care,


Burnout Coach | Neuroscientist | Art-based Practitioner

P.S. Here's a reminder of the link to my article about the pros and cons of procrastination and how not to get stuck in the perfectionist trap.

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