Announcement: the power of subtraction

Life has been a hectic bag of hungry kittens, as it might be for you too.

Since getting my art-based coaching diploma last week, it's like a huge boulder has shifted and business ideas are flowing.

They're still scattered but options are firming up that I've had on my mind for a while.

As someone who has habitual burnout tendencies, I'm my own worst enemy.

I get super enthusiastic in creative, problem-solving mode.

I want to do all the things. Right now. x10.

Does that resonate?

I realise this is not conducive to a healthy mind, body and life.

Something has to give, and it's time to get efficient with my time and energy.

Creative communities grow every day

I spoke with Maya Sayvanova this morning, writer, marketing expert, and owner of the Smarter Solopreneurs Substack publication.

Maya is a powerhouse - she's built a business and brand that offers great insights, tools and encouragement to many in this solopreneur space.

Substack is an enjoyable social media and writing platform for me - people like Maya, Kristina God, Scott Perry, and Veronica Llorca-Smith are building vibrant and engaged communities there.

Beth Spencer has an art-based space that is introvert-friendly, and created a human intelligence movement (not using AI-generated images).

It's incredibly open, transparent and creative, with no gross ads!

I've realised for a while I'm keen to expand my business offerings beyond 1:1 burnout recovery coaching, newsletters, and articles.

I'll still do that but want to add art-based zoom calls, webinars, courses, and group coaching sessions that cover burnout recovery and other parts of work, home, relationships, health and personal development.

The power of subtraction

Having two separate newsletters and spaces to manage has become unwieldy - Unburnt Updates here, and Build a Better Brain on Substack.

Interacting with you, my dear readers, is wonderful.

My goal is to create information and solutions to prevent burnout worsening, and support your burnout recovery.

To live a healthier, happier life with more time and energy to do what matters to you.

Following my chat with Maya this morning, I've decided I need to do the same, to subtract and streamline this part of my business.

I'll blend the weekly newsletter options so Unburnt Updates topics will merge into the Build a Better Brain publication on Substack.

Benefits to you:

  1. One place to read, interact and find my articles covering burnout, plus other brain, mind and body-related topics
  2. Ability to comment and ask questions with me and others
  3. Chat functionality to discuss topics, ideas and deep dives
  4. Direct delivery of articles and updates to your inbox
  5. Simpler access to tools and materials created for you

You'll still get other communications and offers from me where these might be of interest to you.

Next steps

I'll move your email address to my Substack email list so you don't have to do a thing.

You'll continue to read what I share through email under a different label.

If you have the Substack app or website, you can interact more directly with me through comments, chat and notes.

If you're not keen on this model, I understand, and I'll be sad to see you go.

Feel free to unsubscribe with the link in the footer.

You are always welcome to hang out with us in the future, so it's not goodbye forever.

If you want to check out the Build a Better Brain publication now, click the button below:

I'll keep the previous Unburnt Updates available online if you want to dip into the archive.

Here's to streamlining so we can build smarter, and connect in many other, creative ways.

Take care,


Burnout Coach | Neuroscientist | Art-based Practitioner

P.S. If you want to understand my 1:1 burnout recovery coaching process, book a free 25m call now.

I share these insights, strategies, and experiments weekly...or more often if I have something fun or useful to share with you.

If you're not getting what you need from Unburnt Updates, you can Unsubscribe / update your Preferences.

Brookfield Court, Selby Road, Garforth, Leeds LS25 1NB