Give yourself grace when things get difficult

Published about 2 months ago • 1 min read

It still surprises me how tough business owners are on ourselves.

Especially if you have difficult early life experiences that impact how you see yourself, others, and the world.

We have an incredible capacity to expect more than is reasonable.

I've been reminded of this myself this weekend after a tough few weeks:

  • Mounting change and pressure in the day job
  • Kicking off a new coaching project outside this
  • Family staying over whilst they have work done to their house

There's a lot fizzy energy buzzing in my mind and body!

The benefit of coaching others though means I have to step back and reflect on common themes and causes.

In times like this, it's important to reach out to your support network.

When things feel overwhelming or you're unsure about why you react to situations the way you do, talking helps extract and explore meaning from it.

You can look at your history and remember what may have led to your situation or reasons why you respond the way you do.

This is invaluable information.

You move from reactive to curious.

You have a better chance to choose your next move or how to adapt behaviours that aren't serving you well right now.

Self-compassion research tells us that giving ourselves grace reduces stress and makes us more effective and persistent in the long run.

Doesn't that sound like a relief, Reader?

So, don't be so hard on yourself if you're struggling or in a difficult period.

Maybe you weren't in the headspace for that earlier, but I hope this email serves as a helpful reminder.

You can't always get everything done or act the way you want, especially when your resources are stretched.

That doesn't mean you can't do it again once you slow down and restore your body and mind.

You'll get space to prioritise where you spend your precious time and effort more wisely.

Take care,


Burnout Coach | Neuroscientist | Art-based Practitioner

P.S. If you want to explore what your options are during a difficult period, book a 1:1 free discovery call with me and let's chat.

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Brookfield Court, Selby Road, Garforth, Leeds LS25 1NB

Burnout Coach, Neuroscientist and Art-based Practitioner, helping business owners and leaders overcome burnout, improve focus and reduce overwhelm to manage a fab business and life they love. I write about personal growth, lifestyle, relationships and work.

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